Publishing Journey ,

Defensive Play (A Boys on the Brink Novella) – Preorder Now for Only $0.99!

Exciting news! The eBook version of Defensive Play, a novella in my Boys on the Brink series due for release on November 30, is now available to preorder for just $0.99. Pick up a copy today for your Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple device, or other e-reader, and receive it as soon as it goes on sale. The book has already earned some great reviews, so why not head over to Goodreads and take a look?

You can also view the stunning cover, read the blurb, and even check out an excerpt from the story by clicking here.

Preorder Defensive Play for just $0.99!

Kindle UK | Kindle US | Nook | Apple Books | Kobo | Smashwords | Beaten Track Publishing

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