Publishing Journey , ,

Check Out the Cover for Defensive Play!


I’m thrilled today to be revealing the cover for my upcoming release, Defensive Play, coming November 30, 2018! Yet again, I owe a massive thank you to Natasha Snow for doing such a wonderful job with the design, and for tying it in so brilliantly with my overall vision for the series. I’m over the moon with it!

Defensive Play is a novella set in my Boys on the Brink universe and follows seventeen-year-old Davey, a closeted gay footballer with a life-altering dilemma—continue keeping his sexuality a secret, or explore his developing feelings for the gorgeous, openly gay Adam and risk losing the respect of his teammates.

I’m so looking forward to introducing you all to Davey and Adam’s story and hearing what you think. In the meantime, you can find out more and preorder your copy!.

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