This might sound strange, but all through the process of writing Caught Inside’,> I gave very little thought to my hero’s sexuality. At Seventeen, Luke is the kind of young man who takes most things in his stride and who isn’t generally prone to self-analysis. Looking back, I realise that I was far more interested in exploring his emotional journey than I was in putting a label on his feelings.
Author: Jamie Deacon
Caught Inside: Release Day Celebration and Giveaway!
It’s here! The release day for my debut novel Caught Inside has finally arrived, and I’m so excited I can hardly sit still long enough to write this. For those of you who haven’t already bought your copy, click here for buy links, blurb, reviews, and to read an excerpt.
Check Out the Cover for Caught Inside and Win an Amazon Gift Card!
Only six weeks to go! The countdown to the release of Caught Inside, my debut YA LGBT romance, begins with the reveal of this stunning cover designed by the immensely talented Natasha Snow.
An Interview with Molly Ringle: Author of The Chrysomelia Stories
I’m thrilled today to be playing host to my good friend and critique partner Molly Ringle, author of The Chrysomelia Stories, a NA romantic trilogy inspired by the Greek myths. Immortal’s Spring, the final instalment in the series, will be released on June 1st, and Molly has agreed to indulge me by answering a few questions.
The Publishing Journey Begins – Signing My First Contract!
I’m thrilled to be able to tell you all that I’ve recently signed my first ever contract! I’m indebted to Deb at Beaten Track Publishing for believing in my manuscript and giving me the chance to unleash it on the world. The novel is going through the editing process as we speak and I’m hoping for a summer 2016 release, but I will of course let you know as soon as I have a firm date.
Stamp Out Homophobia in Religion – Be The Person You Were Born To Be
After hearing an interview yesterday on LBC Radio with the truly inspirational Matt Ogston, I simply had to share this. If you’re as moved by his story as I was, please help in whatever way you’re able, either by making a donation, or aiding me in spreading the word. That, even now in the 21st century, LGBT+ people are being driven to suicide because of their sexuality, is a travesty, and it has to stop.
Caught Inside: Where the Story Began
As I continue to immerse myself in the edits for Caught Inside, I thought I’d share a sneak preview with you all. This is the very first scene I ever came up with, and where the story started to take root . . .
Riptide Publishing Announces the Launch of its New LGBTQ Young Adult Imprint
Riptide Publishing, an industry-leading LGBTQ fiction press, is proud to announce the launch of its queer Young Adult imprint, Triton Books. Submissions for Triton Books are now open, and the first titles will be releasing in print and ebook in late 2015.
Congratulations to the Winners of the 2014 Rainbow Awards!
Humungus congratulations to the winners and runners-up in the 2014 Rainbow Awards which were announced earlier this week. This is an annual contest celebrating outstanding work in LGBT fiction and nonfiction, and is open to all authors of work containing LGBT fictional characters and work chronicling the true stories of LGBT persons.
Writing What You Know . . . Or Maybe Not
From the moment Luke Savage, the seventeen-year-old hero and narrator of Caught Inside, took form in my mind, I knew several things about him. I knew he was an only child, came from a single-parent family, and lived on the rough side of Brookminster, the fictional English city where many of my stories will be set. I knew he possessed a lazy charm, presenting him with his pick of girls, but that he had yet to lose his heart to anyone. Most of all, I knew he cherished a burning passion for surfing.