After hearing an interview yesterday on LBC Radio with the truly inspirational Matt Ogston, I simply had to share this. If you’re as moved by his story as I was, please help in whatever way you’re able, either by making a donation, or aiding me in spreading the word. That, even now in the 21st century, LGBT+ people are being driven to suicide because of their sexuality, is a travesty, and it has to stop.
Category: My Soap Box
My Heartfelt Plea to Reviewers: Don’t Back Down
Okay, as you may have gathered, I’m about to throw in my few pennies’ worth over the recent uproar concerning Goodreads and a certain self-published author in the m/m romance genre. I’m not, however, using this space to name names or cast stones. For one thing, the topic has already been debated widely across various social networks, and others have said it far better than I ever could. For another, authors who stoop so low as to create fake Goodreads profiles with the intention of shouting down any reviewer who dares give them less than a perfect rating, don’t need my help in sabotaging their careers. They’ll manage that all by themselves.